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5:37 p.m. - July 10, 2001
I love to write. I used to write every day, detailing all of the events in my life. The good, the not-so-good, and the darn-right ugly. I like to keep my journals and refer back to them, as a kind of reference point. I like to look back at old journal entries and say to myself, "What was I thinking!?" or, "Wow, I've come a long way since then."

But...I haven't written in such a long time. Sure, some sporadic entries in mostly empty notebooks, occassionally. But, I haven't really written in a very long time.


Until this adorable girl wrote down her url for me, inviting me to check it out. It looked like a lot of fun, to write and to share ramblings with other people that appreciate ramblings. Why not!?

So, here I am.

And - now, what do I say? :)



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