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1:24 p.m. - Sep 28, 2001
Creepy Cousin
Ok, yesterday my cousin called me at work, late in the day. She was desperate and full of drama.

(She could be the poster child for Murphy's Law) - she always has so much drama.

She needed a place to stay and asked if she could stay with me.

Now, let me say that I am currently living in a very small, one room apartment. It has a bathroom and well...that's about it. It's a great place for me a my kitty meow, but not a place big enough for two people.

But, it was only for the night and she was desperate. I didn't know how to say no so I said yes. I also added that I would be in quite late and to just have Tami let her in.

When I arrived home around 11 PM, she had taken over the tiny apartment. She had no less than 4 bags full of clothes, toiletries, books, hair accessories and various THINGS that I thought very odd for only staying one night.

I had also left her a message that she should run by Target to pick up an air pump for the air mattress. Upon walking in the door (again, at 11 PM) she said that she had just gotten my message - and that Target was closed. The thought of having to share a small bed with my creepy cousin didn't sit well with me.

Think, think, think - what to do?

Finally, I remembered that I had two Thermarests (which I use when camping) and offered those to her. She then asked me for sheets and a blanket and a pillow - stuff that I really didn't have and stuff that I felt she should've. I mean, she had brought EVERYTHING except what she NEEDED.


After getting her all settled in, I soon realized that having a quite evening in bed, reading would NOT be a reality for me.

She stayed on the phone, CACKLING and sharing drama-stories with one of her friends...for almost an hour.

Damn, she's loud. My head was pounding. I wasn't feeling so good, like I was coming down with either a cold or maybe just sinus / allergies. Anyway, I wasn't feeling much like having a slumber party. After this grating conversation, she then turned on the television and asked me if I minded - because, as she put it, she needs the tv in order to fall asleep.

Well, you know what I need to fall asleep? PEACE AND FREAKIN QUIET, THAT'S WHAT.

I shoved my head under the pillow and waited until she finally turned the damn thing off.

She asked me if I wanted some company this weekend.

Is she crazy?

I told her that I was going to Seattle (thank GOD!) and would be leaving directly from work. I wouldn't be back until late on Sunday night. She asked if she could stay in my apartment until then...and, again, I agreed.

All I can say is...she better be outta there when I get back.

I don't mean to sound MEAN or COLD or anything, but I'm just trying to take care of myself right now. And frankly, I don't need anyone's drama right now.



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