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9:54 a.m. - Feb. 02, 2004
The Cake Incident
A good laugh...and a true story! :)

The single most embarrassing moment of my life, to date�

(As written by Sasha and posted to our newsgroup yesterday)

roger's bday. the castle. friday night. those in attendance were roger, blake, me, philly, butch, michelle and ian, and jeff, a friend of ian's (for those of you not in the know, ian is a great guy that michelle has been seeing for a couple of weeks). we barbequed. pork spare ribs. yum. when michelle and her gang arrived, rog, blake and i were cooking and drinking, just having a good time at the castle. michelle went to prepare snacks. within 2 minutes michelle spilled all the crackers on the floor. "i was having a blood sugar moment". we've all been there.

so we're all hanging around the island. we eat. awesome ribs, with potato salad and beans. everyone covered in bbq sauce. chatting it up and loving it. after dinner, michelle goes to the pantry and discreetly lights the candles with her butt sticking out of the pantry. by now, rog has already accidentally spotted the cake anyway. it was indeed a birthday cake. yellow and blue icing with "happy birthday roger" written and candles that were shaped like the letters "happy birthday". michelle, ian and jeff did good. awesome. michelle lifts up the cake and begins singing her heart out. LOUDLY. and, may i say, PROUDLY. holding the cake up high for all to see and bringing it slowly to roger, while at the same time singing. and so we are all singing. gettting to the last line in the song, michelle holds the cake over the barstool so rog can blow out the candles. and then. yup. you've only seen it in movies. but it happened. and it was a mistake. a hysterical mistake. one small tilt was all it took. the cake tipped and fell on roger, lit candles, wax, icing and all. down the side of his body, over blake's coat that was hanging on the barstool, and onto the floor.

i hit the floor. michelle flew to the living room. everyone lost it. It was the funniest thing i think i've ever seen. roger was laughing i think hardest. oh my god. "classic". friday night schtick at the castle. Who would have guessed. fortunately, there were backup desserts, and actually only one side of the cake was ruined, so we ate it anyway. rog was burned, but only by hot wax. what a birthday treat. the rest of the night we chilled in the living room with a fire lit, talking, giggling, drinking, and laughing about the cake.

what a great night.



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