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9:23 a.m. - August 30, 2001
Tami's dream
My sister and I occasionally have prophetic dreams and visions.

While in NYC, I received a vmail from my sister that sounded half desperate. She said that she knew I was out of town and that she knew I was busy, but that it was very important that I call her before the weekend. Before the weekend. Before the weekend. It was very important. Just trust her.

I immediately called her. She couldn't go into details but she said that she had a waking dream. That I shouldn't be alone this weekend.

I told her that was all that I needed to hear. She had had dreams like this before and I have learned to just trust her. I hung up the phone, shaking.

Yesterday, when I got back to town, I called her from work. She said that she didn't want to tell me about that "dream" that I didn't really want to know. I insisted.

Walter is scheduled to be in Austin this weekend, with his family. The "waking dream" that Tami had was that Walter decided to use Austin as his alibi, but that he came back home, instead. And killed me.

It was a feeling that she just couldn't shake.

She had woken up in the middle of the night, 3AM. She found herself wide awake and then suddenly that thought just spoke to her. It was as if someone was whispering in her ear. She went back to sleep. The next day (Sunday) she had fogotten all about it. When my mom got back from taking me to the airport, she went to my sister's, along with Poppy. Mom told them that Walter and I had just had a fight. Tami said that's when the thought jumped back into her head. She told them both about her "waking dream." The freaky thing is that Poppy said that he too had had this same exact feeling / thought jump into his head and he just couldn't shake it. It bothered him so much that he felt compelled to call his friend (out of state) and tell him, just in case anything happened - that way, someone outside of the family would know.

I haven't slept so well the past several days. Returning from NYC yesterday, I was suffering from exhaustion. I was so tired that I was a bit delirious. After talking with Tami & Poppy, I was freaked out, to say the least. I didn't want to go home. Tami told me that if I didn't go home, that I would never want to go home. That I should just be careful and play it safe. That I should just go to my sister's place, directly after work on Friday, and that I should stay there all weekend. Don't have to ask me twice.

I went home and continued to act the role of a lifetime. I smiled and chatted and kept saying how exhausted I was. There were no kisses, only one hug, and no pressure for sex. Except when I was changing my clothes. I didn't have any underwear on and I was sitting on the bed. I caught Walter making a disgusting ummm ummm sex noise and when I looked up, he was looking right at my pussy. Fucking pig. It completely repulsed me. I shivered. Again, I told him how tired I was. I didn't smile. I watched some television and loved on my cats. They sat on the couch, surrounding me, lounging all around & all over me. When Walter tried to get into the space by touching one of them, Princess bit him and Sprocket tried to scrath him. I was one with my cats. I told him that they were my guard cats. He laughed, but it wasn't really meant to be funny.

After he left for work this morning, I packed a few bits of clothing into a backpack - just in case I need (or want) to leave at any given moment. I also packed all of my Yoga clothes into a bag and left for work.

I am so close. I feel like I am planning a prison escape. I am being careful. I am biding my time.



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