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12:56 p.m. - May. 10, 2002
Beautiful Man update
Yesterday was a whirlwind day. Woke up at 4am and flew to NYC...for the day. last night was the night of the drum circle that Beautiful Man has invited me to attend.

Although I was delirious with exhaustion, I still wanted to see him...even if it was only for a minute. I had to see what his reaction would be, seeing me again. Did I imagine or get carried away?

Well, my flight was delayed (but not too bad really). By the time I arrived at the drum circle, it was 9:30pm. They are only allowed to drum outside til 10pm, because of the neighbors. I went directly from the airport to the cafe. My co-worker and friend, Mark, joined me.

When Beautiful Man saw me, he smiled HUGE at me and gave me a nice, warm hug. "Hey! I'm so glad you made it!" We sat on the floor of the cafe together, while he showed me a new percussion instrument (one which I have never seen) and we each played one for a bit, just experimenting really.

His friends all seemed genuinely sweet and I felt relaxed, chatting with all of them. He made me feel very comfortable, offering food & drink and drum.

He then told me that he was going to Dallas on Saturday, for the night, to play some music with friends...and asked if I wanted to go. My smile was incredibly HUGE as I said, "I would LOVE to! But, I'm taking my son to the Blink 182 / Green day concert that night."

Wow, he said he loves Blink 182.

Then he invited me to hang with him on Sunday, at a house-warming party for one of his friends. Yes, I would definitely be interested in doing that! (This time, I gave him my phone number, too)

He was just as bright & beautiful as I saw him last Saturday.

My heart is overflowing...



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