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10:39 a.m. - Aug. 26, 2002
Day Seventeen
Day Seventeen. Got the sickness in my belly now for five days.

Eltin's in Marseiile. Dinner w/ some colleagues tonight, meetings tomorrow...yadda, yadda. To Dublin this weekend to see his folks. May stay over an extra day as Monday is a holiday here. He was online this morning and we chatted. First thing I've heard from him since he left on the 9th.

He opened the gift I made for him early. I just knew it. He said that it gave him a little shock - and that he felt compelled to pack it and bring it with him to Europe. Said that I had made a treasure out of the words we wrote together. Lots of thank yous and lots of sweet words.

But I still got the sickness in my belly.

Just want him to be back. And I just want to know WHAT NOW?

Had lots of dreams about him since he's been gone.



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